Peace & Chaos

" Life is an equilibrium of equal and opposite counter parts.
One cannot exist without other yet they exist equally in combined form. "


A reflection of the eternal and infinity neither born not destroyed yet changing itself in every moment. Hi I am Akash that's my identifier in this world. I am an explorer of the unknown and seeker of the truth. Yeah I know that sounds too melancholic but it is.

Anyways, I am a techie by profession and a philosopher by heart. I love to code and create solutions for DevOps which are simple and effective and serves the purpose. I love the work I do and care about it for me its a holy grail polished with the blood and sweat of my hardwork and dedication.



For me Tech is a important aspect of my life not becasue its my profession but I just love to build stuff. I hardly have to force myself to code I just feel doing it.

Experimenting is the key for everything. I just experiment with the stuff during that phase problems occur - those problems provide me the opportunity to solve them and learn something new. I love to solve problems unknown not the ones with predefined answers also I love to explore the depths of the skill which provide me with the ability to solve the problems in a more efficient way.

Throught this experiment journey I have build a decent skillset to solve problems in various fields including ~


Creating solutions which are simple and effective is the main goal. Hiding the complexity yet maintaining the functionality is the key. Throught the journey I have solved various problems also created roubust solutions.

Here are some of the key projects which I have worked on.